With Yourself
Talking about abortion and breaking down stigma starts internally. If you are having an abortion or have had one, you might start by talking about why abortion was right for you. No reason for an abortion is any more correct than another, but some common reasons that you might relate to include:
I was too young
I was too old
I was in an unsafe environment (family, partner(s))
I didn’t feel ready for the responsibility
I had too many responsibilities already (school, work, childcare, parent care)
My health would be negatively impacted (physical, mental, emotional)
I was not financially stable
I didn’t know what my future would look like
I don’t want kids
Next, you might want to explore how your life has been impacted by abortion, if you have had one. It might be:
I have matured and am more capable now
I have grandchildren to care for now
I have or am more free to leave an unsafe environment
I am free to choose the responsibility of childcare when I want to
I can focus on responsibilities I have like school, work, child, and parent care
My health is not impacted by the stress of pregnancy and childcare
I am now or have more ability to achieve financial stability
I have had time to figure out what my future looks like and if I want children or not
I appreciate that I can choose to be childfree if that is my wish
These are all generally positive outcomes from abortion, but talking about abortion with yourself should be as honest as possible. Even if you are 110% certain that abortion is the best option for you, you may still feel guilt, shame, sadness, anger, and a whole range of feels in between. It is important to honour the what-ifs and the missed opportunities - even if, ultimately abortion was/is the best choice.